Log One
which although she discovers that Dog Shows are not places to sell disgraced
flatcoats certain suspicions continue to trouble Saga
Log Two
which Saga thinks she is seeing double, the word "puppy" is mentioned, and
honour is satisfied in relation to Cats.
Log Three
which Saga regrets the current situation!
Log Four
which Saga is less than impressed by Follything and her early upbringing
whilst Folly explores Life In General
Log Five
which Saga racks her braincell and protects her wagging appendage, whilst
Folly explores the niceties of Potentilla shrubs and birdbaths
Log Six
which Saga rather reluctantly assumes a tutorial role, whilst Folly eats
Foul Things and is nearly returned to her Breeder!
Log Seven
which Saga gets wrongly blamed and tries some conceptual thinking, whilst
Folly goes on her Very First Walk and meets Strange Things
Log Eight
which much is made about dog-beds and training
Log Nine
In which Saga worries about
Folly's size - and gets into BOTHER, whilst Folly is Very Well Behaved -
until she discovers Ice Cream
Log Ten
which Saga gets rather 'girly' about her hair and has a birthday, whilst
Folly ponders the meaning of Christmas - and wonders what Gordon is going
to do to her now
Log Eleven
which Folly is spayed and discovers Haagen-Daz, whilst Saga has a day on
the boat and ruminates on Veterinary Practices
Log Twelve
problems with sleeping arrangements, Saga ruminates on Flatcoats who do not
chase tennis balls, whilst Folly consider Flatcoats that do not swim
Log Thirteen
which Saga wrestles with Time, the Universe, Decent Behaviour and BSE, whilst
Folly finds her pedigree, and discovers marrow bones and mooring warps
Log Fourteen
which Saga appears to be going bonkers, but comes into her own at a Flatcoat
Fun Day, whilst Folly performs an Heroic Rescue on Coniston Water but gets
worried about Growing Up!