Gordon G Hall
Writer and Neo-Philhellene

Poetry to Intrigue

The Green of Grass (Vilanelle)

One of seven 'experimental' poems of differing types on the same subject.

Why does grass seem green, not blue?
My child, what stupid questions you pose,
It is green because of its hue

I ask my teacher if she can construe
The answer. I only hope she knows
Why does grass seem green, not blue?

It’s the Chlorophyll that you can view
It absorbs other colours, I suppose
It is green because of its hue

My lover told me my eyes reflect true
The green of emeralds, the blue of sloes
Why does grass seem green, not blue?

I’m coloured by envy that my friends too
Know the reason but won’t disclose
It is green because of its hue

The graveyard worms slide sluggishly through
The richest of grass as I decompose
Why does grass seem green, not blue?
It is green because of its hue



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Inspiration from this glorious world.